Elm: Unit Tests

Reference the following guide for installing the unit test package. Here's a couple of unit tests: Appendix Here's some of the test dependencies below. Home.elm TestAPI.elm Core.elm Login.elm

Elm: Dependency Injection and Functional Programming

Intro In this post, I will attempt to document my understanding of how to do Dependency Injection within Elm. Dependency Injection is a technique used to provide a set of dependencies that a system requires at runtime. This technique is especially advantageous when testing that the system complies with business rules without having to provide …

Installing Elm

Intro This post is meant to help others install Elm. Installation 1. Install Node.js 2. Install Yarn 3. install Elm. After the installations are complete, I recommend viewing the "Hello World" tutorial. Compiling Elm There exists an Elm package that enables automatic compiling and browse refresh when modifying and saving Elm files. Given that the …